Routine & Wellness Care
Nail grinds can be a nice alternative to nail trims. This service covers the front OR back paws. If more than two paws need nail grinding, there is an add-on option.
Please note, this service is only available for dogs.
Nails caps are a safe way to prevent your cat from inappropriately scratching on items. This service covers the application of nail caps for up to two paws and includes nail trimming. If you need nail caps on more than two paws, there is an add-on option.
Please note, this service is only available for cats.
This service shortens the fur around areas such as the underbelly and backside to help keep the fur free of tangles, mats and traps for urine, feces, dirt and associated bacteria.
Please note, this service is for hygienic, not aesthetic, purposes.
Nursing Care
Abnormal vital signs can be an indication that your pet needs to be evaluated by a veterinarian.
This service checks the following basic vitals: temperature, pulse, respiratory rate and capillary refill time.
This service provides sterile fluid administration under the pet’s skin which is often a treatment protocol for acute and chronic conditions.
The method of collection for this service is free catch. We recommend scheduling the appointment around the time of your pet’s regular bathroom break.
Please note, this service is only available for dogs.
Using the proper technique is key for tick removal. The veterinary technician will safely remove any ticks within the appointment timeframe. This service is not for pets with a tick infestation. An appointment with a veterinarian is advised for any concerns regarding a pet’s potential exposure to tick borne illnesses.
Supportive Care
During an appointment, if there are any medical issues or concerns, the client is responsible for seeking care from a licensed veterinarian. Fuzzl service providers are qualified veterinary technicians but cannot make medical diagnoses or prescribe medication.